The Different Types of Desks for Your Home or Office
When it comes time to pick a work desk, you might be surprised at the choices available. While most people might think there’s only one kind of desk, in truth, there are many, all available in assorted designs to accommodate the specific responsibilities of various occupations and pastimes. Naturally, you’re seeking a desk that can best accommodate you and the work, play, or other activities in which you engage. To help you get a better sense of what’s out there so you can pick the perfect desk, here’s a breakdown of the different types of desks for your home or office.
Executive Desks
When you picture a desk in your mind, you think of an executive desk. This is the classic style desk with a large—often very large—top, an open space in the middle where you sit and work, and a set of drawers on either side. Executive desks are often custom solid wood desks, though they can be made of metal or other materials. While they tend to be status symbols, they’re extremely practical, affording a lot of storage space and area for your computer and other peripherals. If you have the space and want to make a statement about making it while also enjoying plenty of room and convenience, pick up an executive desk.
Rolltop Desks
If you prefer old-school charm and a piece of wooden furniture that looks like a cherished antique even when it’s brand new, go with a rolltop desk. These are usually a bit more compact but still provide enough space to work on a project or two at a time. They provide a bit of privacy as well, in two ways. While you work, you have barriers on either side, and when you’re finished, you can roll down the cover and lock up your work. Rolltops have a plethora of drawers as well, from adorable little apothecary drawers for paperclips and the like to larger ones for your papers and files. If you don’t have an office proper, rolltops provide plenty of woody class to a room, open or closed.
Corner Desks
While exploring the different types of desks for your home or office, don’t forget the space-saving corner desk. If you have a smaller office or not much room for a workspace in your home or apartment, a corner desk makes effective use of an unused corner. The 90-degree angle provides, technically, two working surfaces in a space, so you can have your laptop set up on the right and whatever research materials you require on the left. They’re good for multi-screen computer setups as well.
Standing Desks
Standing desks have grown in popularity these days. Some swear by them because they can’t stand to be seated. Others claim that it fights the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, though the only clear benefit, according to some doctors, is that it prevents a lot of the back and other pain brought on by being seated for far too long. Standing desks can be very tall desks or simply an adjustable surface that may be placed atop a sitting desk.
Hutch With Desk
Maximize the use of the space you have with a hutch and desk combination. The desk part is surrounded by a collection of drawers and shelves that you can use for office supplies, photographs, trophies, plants, and what you will. The desk is slightly receded as well, providing adequate workspace without sticking out too much. This type of desk is a smart choice for smaller spaces or people who want to create an office in a higher-traffic area.
Hallway Desks
Sometimes you need a place to scribble a note, write a check, or make a to-do list without needing to sit down and make a big production out of it. Tall, stylish, and providing enough room to write if you don’t need to spread out, hallway desks can fit in a hallway, of course, but they also serve as lovely entryway tables in a foyer, kitchen, living room, or another area that could use a place for displaying art, plants, and more while still allowing you to dash off your thoughts on a conveniently placed pad of paper.
Writing Desks
If you have an inner Tolstoy, Hemingway, or O’Connor ready to burst out and write the Great American Novel, you might be in the market for a writing desk. Writing desks are simple affairs. Often custom solid wood desks, they can also be made from other materials besides wood. They provide a modest amount of space for your pad of paper, typewriter, or laptop and a drawer or two for basic office supplies. Writing desks can do double duty as display tables, TV stands, or the like, but wouldn’t you rather be authoring short stories or a blockbuster movie script on it?
Floating Desk
If you’re really strapped for space, install a floating desk on your wall. These desks fold up when not in use. When in use, they fold back down and provide shelving space and space for a corkboard, whiteboard, chalkboard, or something similar. While the installation part might take some effort, the space you save makes up for it. Floating desks can be art pieces in and of themselves, so ponder decorating your home with one.
Computer Desk
It’s all in the name! Computer desks are designed with computers in mind, providing space for the laptop or desktop computer and its monitor and any peripherals attached—from printers to scanners to routers and more. Even without a computer, computer desks lend themselves to most tasks and are often scaled-down enough to serve in incongruous places like the kitchen, front room, bedroom, and elsewhere.
Two-Person Desks
Double your pleasure while doubling your efficiency. Two-person desks allow a duo to work together, facing one another without giving up workspace. On the one hand, one could say these are just big desks. If you’re the type who needs a lot of space and the ability to look at your work from all angles, this is the desk for you. If you’re part of a partnership, however, and you both need instant access to one another as well as the “acreage” to spread out and review things, a two-person desk is ideal. But be sure you have the room for it!